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Great Relationships: Trust Matters

"Anyone who says that relationships don't matter is talking crocks." These words couldn't be truer, as I've discovered through my three-decade-long relationship with a family-run restaurant. Starting as the Head Waiter's vision, it transformed into a thriving business now led by one of his sons – a testament to the power of relationships in our lives.

At the heart of a great relationship lies trust, which is the firm belief in the reliability, integrity, and abilities of someone. Trust forms the bedrock upon which strong connections are built.

The Power of Consistency
Change is the only constant, be it in the restaurant's décor, layout, menu, or staff. However, amidst these transformations, one thing has remained constant – their unwavering commitment to fostering great relationships. Whether as a Head Waiter, owner, or son, their focus has always been on the customer experience, seamlessly picking up where we left off. This unwavering commitment to the customer experience is why they have my loyalty, my business, and why I'm more than happy to spend my hard-earned money there.

Translating to Workplace Relationships
Now, let's shift our focus from restaurants to the relationships we nurture in the workplace. How important are these connections, and what sustains them? While some relationships may come and go, others hold profound meaning for us. Successful work relationships are built on trust, shared give and take, genuine care for one another, and sometimes, a sprinkle of fun. They provide the foundation for creativity, challenge, experimentation, learning from mistakes, recovering from misunderstandings, and achieving results. Even if you only meet a colleague a few times a year, there's something invaluable in that connection.

Trust in Action
Consider a scenario where you have a colleague with whom you've built a strong working relationship. One day, an urgent project with a tight deadline arises, and you face a scheduling conflict. After a quick chat, your colleague agrees to help you out, and you assign them the project, confident that they will handle it with the same dedication and competence as you would. Of course, they step up and deliver exceptional results. This illustrates how trust can strengthen work relationships.

Steering the Modern Work World
In our modern working world, where lines between face-to-face, remote, and hybrid work environments are often blurred, finding mutual respect is paramount. Building relationships becomes not just a luxury but a necessity. The ability to adapt to these changing dynamics, to understand and respect each other's working styles and preferences, fosters trust and camaraderie

Challenges along the Way
Of course, not all relationships are smooth sailing. Some resemble sour lemons more than the sweetness of apple pie with cream. There will always be connections that lack trust, where the conversation is one-sided, and where we wouldn't go the extra mile to support a colleague, dial up the energy to assist, or clarify a point late in the evening.

Evaluating your Relationships
Now, here's a quick test for you: Take a moment to list your most significant relationships and put a tick next to the ones that have really gotten to know you and have built trust, even when things haven't been perfect you have worked at it. Now think about the ones you quit on; they didn't add value. You personally had to invest 90%, and only got 10% in return. When their name pops up on your phone, do you eagerly answer, or do you hesitate? This exercise serves as a powerful reminder of the value of relationships in both our personal and professional lives, especially in our ever-evolving work environments.

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